今なぜ、敢えて『MADE IN 浜松』を主張するのか。
Why are we now insisting on “MADE IN HAMAMATSU”?
It is because Japan’s clothing manufacturing self-sufficiency rate is
currently at three percent (as of 2014).
Moreover, domestic textile self-sufficiency is less than one percent.
In order to lower the costs of finished goods,
overseas procurement has been increased,
so that manufacturing costs can be reduced.Nowadays,
at least 97% of goods are imported,
and this is primarily met by China.
それと同時に国内繊維産業の事業所や従業者数が激減し、 技術者の高齢化と継承者不足もあり、日本の職人が支えてきた 伝統的な技術が次々と失われつつあります。
At a time when the number of domestic textile manufacturers and
workers is rapidly declining,
whilst craftsmen are retiring without anyone
replacing them,
the traditional techniques that Japan’s craftsmen
have sustained are gradually being lost.
生地の森はここ遠州、浜松の地で生まれた遠州織物の技術を 伝える職人がいる限り、皆さまに伝えていきたいと考えています。
I want everyone to know about these techniques, which were born right here at “KIJI NO MORI” in Hamamatsu, Enshu, as long a there are still craftsmen around who can teach the art of ‘Enshu fabric’.
『MADE IN 浜松』をぜひ身近なものでお使いいただき、
It would give me great pleasure if you could sense the unique texture and
printing techniques in the fabric when you take hold of itwhilst embracing the
“MADE IN HAMAMATSU” campaign as a part of your everyday life.
MADE IN 浜松の生地は下記をご覧ください。
MADE IN Hamamatsu fabrics please see below.