阿部 一成。
太鼓芸能集団「鼓童」に 14年間在籍の後、独立。
これまでに世界 32ヶ国で演奏。
公式ウェブサイト www.kazunariabe.jp
Kazunari Abe
Shinobue Performer
Kazunari Abe was born in Ehime and raised in Tokyo, Japan.
During his studies at Hokkaido University, Kazunari became captivated by Japanese folk arts.
When he saw the renowned taiko performing arts ensemble "Kodo," he decided to join the group.
He went on to perform internationally with the ensemble for fourteen years.
Now a solo artist, Kazunari is based in his birthplace, Niihama City in Ehime.
Kazunari focuses his creative work on the shinobue, a traditional Japanese transverse bamboo flute, which he uses to depict the energy of the heavens, earth,and people. He has performed in thirty-two countries to date and collaborated with a wide range of artists in Japan and abroad, such as Belgian choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and master of the Kanze School of Noh, Reijiro Tsumura.
In 2019, Kazunari will release his second solo album, “Haruka-naru Kaze - Distant Winds”, featuring original compositions collaborated with 7 great artists.
[Official Websaite] www.kazunariabe.jp
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元鼓童の篠笛奏者「阿部一成」の2nd ALBUM。 |
Kazunari Abe (阿部一成) / Distant Winds〜遥かなる風〜
7組の豪華アーティスト陣を迎えて解き放つ、8つの “遥かなる” 世界。
<参加アーティスト [収録曲順] >
金子 竜太郎、NolenNiu-de-Ossi (喜多 寧・とる子)、Atoa. (高橋 勅雄・高橋 亮)、里 アンナ、Gabriele Miracle、梶原 徹也、内藤 哲郎