The Native Indians of Vancouver Island, B.C.Canada have been knitting sweaters since the 1800's. We have been hand crafting these famous since 1979 and have used original designs which evolved from the Indian culture. We also continue to develop new contemporary designs with historical significance and timely appeal.
Legend has it that in 1534, Jacques Cartier crossed the Atlantic Ocean to reach North America. He asked the Indians he encountered what the place was called “KANATA” they replied, the word meant “village” in their language. From the time Cartier called the land CANADA.
カナダ BC 州バンクーバー島の原住民は1800年代からセーターを編んでいます。1979年以来、この有名なセーターは手編みされ続け、原住民の文化から生み出された独特のデザインが施されています。また、歴史的重要性と共に、時代に即した現代的なデザインも考案し続けられています。